In addition, he has conducted workshops and refresher courses dealing with various subjects mainly focused on advanced research methodology tools and software packages, e.g., Amos, Smart PLS, MPlus, SPSS, Lisrel, R, etc. In addition, he has published more than thirty papers in journals of repute (including SSCI/ABDC/ABS/Scopus). He has presented more than thirty research papers in national and international seminars and conferences. With more than fifteen years of experience under his belt, he is available for teaching, research, and consultancy services across the globe.

He has developed a penchant for both services marketing & marketing papers with advanced research methodology and marketing research & analytics). His research areas are Digital Marketing in an Analog Bharat, Marketing 4.0 (developed a new scale), and Blended Marketing for a Better Future. in Services Marketing from Pondicherry Central University. Ganesh Dash is a faculty member in marketing at Saudi Electronic University, a premier blended learning University in the Middle East. We call for researchers to revisit the widely used SEM approaches, especially using appropriate SEM methods for factor-based and composite-based models.ĭr. The multi-national context makes the study relevant and replicable universally. This study contributes to the existing literature significantly by providing an empirical comparison of all the three methods for predictive research domains. CB-SEM models are better for factor-based models like ours, whereas composite-based models provide excellent outcomes in PLS-SEM. CB-SEM is better in providing model fit indices, whereas PLS-SEM fit indices are still evolving. It is also found that average variance extracted (AVE) and composite reliability (CR) values are higher in the PLS-SEM method, indicating better construct reliability and validity. The structural relationship is closer to CB-SEM if a consistent PLS algorithm is undertaken in PLS-SEM. Findings indicate that the item loadings are usually higher in PLS-SEM than CB-SEM. The structural model is tested with the help of both approaches. Four hundred sixty-six respondents from India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the USA, and few other countries are considered. To assess the same, empirical data is used. It further assesses the difference between PLS and Consistent PLS algorithms. The first approach is based on covariance, and the second one is based on variance (partial least squares). This study compares the two widely used methods of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM): Covariance based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) and Partial Least Squares based Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM).